The Government of Saskatchewan has an agreement to provide the 'SK Virtual Visit' platform to healthcare providers across Saskatchewan for virtual (video/audio) meetings and/or virtual patient consultations with colleagues, patients and guests.
The clinic you are affiliated with is registered to use this platform.
This email is your invitation and link to join your virtual clinic.
Within this platform you, your colleagues and staff will be able to:
- Schedule or have immediate (on demand) video meetings with colleagues, patients, their family or caregivers
- Schedule patient consultations for virtual in-person appointments
- Have phone meetings between two participants (yourself and one other participant)
- Invite patients to your virtual clinic (required for conducting virtual patient consultations - optional for conducting video or phone meetings)
- Set automatic reminders to be sent to patients via email or text
Your clinic support staff will also be able to help you manage your virtual clinic operations, including sending messages on your behalf to patients letting them know you are running behind, running ahead or need to change or cancel their appointment to another time.
What's the Difference Between Video 'Meetings' and Virtual 'Patient Consultations'?