If your device is connected to a VPN or has Firewalls in place, SK Virtual Visit may be filtered and blocked or, in the least, your call quality can be reduced.
For VPNs, our platform should still work through an eHealth VPN, however, your video calls will have much better quality if you can configure traffic to bypass your VPN.
For Firewalls, here are the things that need to be allowed in addition to virtualvisit.saskatchewan.ca:
- *.daily.co - must be reachable on TCP/443
- *.wss.daily.co - must be reachable on TCP/443, TCP/UDP/3478, UDP/40000 - 65534
- prod-ks.pluot.blue - must be reachable on TCP/443, TCP/UDP/3478
Also, accessing the "Incognito Mode/Privacy" mode on your workstation MAY allow you to bypass restrictions. You can access your incognito/privacy browser by clicking and holding the following:
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+N
Mac: Cmd+Shift+N
Note: When using a mobile device, disconnect from wifi and use your data plan.