If you have Malwarebytes installed on your computer it may incorrectly block our video provider and cause you to not be able to enter a consultation or video meeting. If that happens, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Close down all of your browsers.
Step 2 - Open Malwarebytes - You can usually do this by searching for Malwarebytes and then clicking on the application.
Step 3 - Once you have the Malwarebytes window open, click on the gear icon on the right-hand side.
Step 4 - Next, click 'Allow List'.
Step 5 - Click on 'Add'.
Step 6 - Select on 'Allow a website'.
Step 7 - Paste *.daily.co, *wss.daily.co and prod-ks.pluot.blue into the 'Add a URL' field and then click 'Done'.
Step 8 - Your list should now have an entry for our video provider. You may also want to add virtualvisit.saskatchewan.ca to your 'Allow List'.
Step 9 - Now re-attempt to attend the meeting or, if you are a clinical user, set up a 'Meet Now' meeting to ensure that the application is now working properly.