There are a variety of ways you can safeguard your account. The more measures you take, the less likely you are to put your information at risk. Please see below for some tips and tricks:
Use a Unique Strong Password
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to create and maintain strong passwords - they prevent unauthorized access to your SK Virtual Visit account, protecting your personal health information.
It is never a good idea to use the following as passwords:
- numbers such as 12345, your phone number and address or your personal information like date of birth
- numbers or letters that are sequential or that appear in a logical sequence;
- your username slightly altered;
- Dictionary words that can be easily hacked with a dictionary program by hackers
Never Share Your Password
Do not share your password with others in order to protect your Personal Information (PI) and Personal Health Information (PHI). It is your responsibility to ensure you safeguard your password.
Log Out Every Time
When you are finished using SK Virtual Visit, whether on a web browser or your mobile device, always be sure to log out of your account and close the browser or app. It is advisable to do this even if leaving for a short period of time. Logging out prevents someone accidentally seeing your information if they go to use the same computer, tablet or phone.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds another layer of security to protect your private information. So, even if your password gets compromised, the hacker has to crack another security layer before they can access your account.
It's important to remember that, although 2FA supplements your password, it should not be viewed as a replacement to a strong password.
As the name suggests, 2FA requires one extra step to log into an account. When logging in, after adding your user ID and a strong password, you will be asked to enter a code that is sent to you by text message. Once this code is entered, you will gain access to your account.
2-Factor Authentication for Clinics and Providers
PATIENTS, 2FA is optional, however highly recommended.