How to Schedule a Patient Consultation - Instructional Video
There are 3 ways to schedule a patient consultation:
Option 1: From the 'Patients' tab
Option 2: From the 'Schedule' tab
Option 3: While in an Active Consultation with the Patient
Important: Whether you are clinic support staff or a healthcare provider, if you are working with more than one clinic/location, it is important you first select the correct clinic from the drop-down under 'Select Clinic'.
Option 1: From the 'Patients' Tab
Step 1 - From the left navigation bar, select 'Clinic', then click 'Patients'.
Step 2 - Search for and select your patient. See - Search for a Patient in SK Virtual Visit
Step 3 - Click 'New Consultation'.
Step 4 - Select 'Schedule Appointment' to continue booking a patient consultation.
- Schedule Appointment - book a future patient consultation
- Start Consultation Now - start an immediate patient consultation
Step 5 - If you are the clinic admin, select the host provider's name from the 'Select Provider' drop-down menu. Healthcare providers will not see this field.
Note: As an admin, you MUST ensure that you choose the correct ‘Host’ provider when first scheduling the appointment, as this step cannot be reversed - you will have to select ‘Cancel’ and start again.
Choose 'Type of Care' (virtual or in-person) and the ‘Appointment Reason’ from the drop-down menus.
If only a single provider is being scheduled and no additional providers from your virtual clinic are being invited, skip to Step 7, otherwise:, click '+ Invite Another Provider'.
The 'host' provider's name will automatically populate into the box and cannot be removed.
Step 6 – Choose the additional provider(s) being invited from the 'Provider' drop-down menu. If someone is added by mistake, click the red X beside their name, to remove them from the list.
Step 7 – Once complete, click ‘Next’.
Step 8 - The 'Schedule Appointment' screen:
'Date' - enter the date of the appointment or, if scheduling recurring appointments, the first appointment date.
'Length' - enter the length of the appointment (this is approximate; the appointment will not automatically end if it extends past this time).
When scheduling multiple providers from the same virtual clinic to join a patient consultation, the following 'See Availability' and 'Specific Time' buttons will not appear.
When scheduling a single provider and their schedule IS NOT entered in SK Virtual Visit:
Select 'Specific Time'
Under 'Start Time' select the time of day the appointment(s) will start.
When scheduling a single provider and their schedule IS entered in SK Virtual Visit:
Select 'See Availability'
Select an available time from the list.
'Repeat' - if scheduling a one-time appointment, select 'No Repeat'.
If scheduling recurring appointments, choose the occurrence:
- Daily - occurs every day, Monday thru Sunday
- Weekly - any day of the week, Monday thru Sunday
- Monthly - any day of the month OR the ordinal of a weekday
- Yearly - same day every year OR the ordinal of a weekday of a month
- Custom - every # of days (99 is max), every # weeks, every # of months
'End Date' - select the date the last appointment is to occur.
A note will indicate the appointment(s) being scheduled.
If scheduled video meetings/consultations overlap with other appointments that a host provider or an invited provider currently has, a notification will appear to the person doing the scheduling (host provider or clinic admin).
A maximum of three (3) overlapping video meetings or consultations can be booked into a provider’s SK Virtual Visit schedule.
Step 9 - If scheduling a one-time patient consultation, you will be provided with the option to 'Get Shareable Video Chat Link' to email to external participants (patient caregivers, other providers from outside your clinic, etc.) being invited to join in. Check the box to email the Join-In Information now OR you may access it later on, closer to the appointment time, from either the 'Schedule' tab or the 'Consultations' tab.
Step 10 - Click 'Schedule Appointment'.
A green indicator will appear at the top of your screen letting you know the patient consultation has been scheduled, as well as a screen with the appointment details.
If you opted to send the Join-In Information now, the 'Meeting Join-In Information screen will appear.
Choose one of the three options available to send your participant(s) the information:
- 'Copy Invite Link' allows you to choose any email platform. The copied information includes the web URL link ('https...') only and will have to be 'pasted' into the body of the email before being sent.
- 'Copy Invitation' allows you to choose any email platform. The copied information includes the web URL link, Meeting ID and Passcode and will have to be 'pasted' into the body of the email before being sent.
- 'Send Invitation via Email' uses your computer's default email platform to send all 'Join-in Information'. The web URL link, Meeting ID and Passcode will automatically generate into the body of the email along with this message, "To ensure your call goes smoothly, please test your Audio & Video by clicking on the Test Audio and Video button. You can access this button by clicking the meeting invite link. If the results show that one or both are not working correctly, call 1-844-767-8259, then press option '4' and you will be connected with someone from SK Virtual Visit support that will be able to assist you. This phone number is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST from Monday to Friday."
- You will require participant's correct email information.
- The invitation may be sent by text, however Meeting ID and Passcode will have to be entered manually.
The patient consultation has been scheduled and invited participants will be notified by email with instructions, as well as appointment details, such as date and time.
Option 2: From the 'Schedule' Tab
Step 1 - If you are the clinic staff and are working with more than one healthcare provider, from the left navigation bar, select 'Schedule', then click the 'Select Schedule' drop-down to select the provider whom you are scheduling a patient consultation for.
Step 2 - Click 'Schedule Appointment'.
Step 3 - Select 'Schedule Consultation'.
Step 4 - Search for patient by first name, last name or health care number. Click on correct patient from the list that appears and click 'Select Patient'.
Step 5 - Continue from 'Option 1 - Step 5' above.
Option 3: While in an Active Consultation with the Patient
Step 1 - Click on 'New Consultation' in the upper right-hand corner.
Step 2 - There are two options available:
- Schedule Appointment - Continue from 'Option 2 - Step 4' above.
- Start Consultation Now - Select provider from drop-down, then click 'Start New Consultation'.
Additional information:
How to Schedule Recurring 'Meet Now' or Patient Consultations