Searching for Patients - Instructional Video
SK Virtual Visit care team members who use the patient consultation features, must invite their patients to join their virtual clinic and create a patient SK Virtual Visit account. After the patient accepts the invitation and sets up their account, office admins or healthcare providers may search for them and schedule patient consultations.
Note: Care team members who are seeing their patients using 'Meet Now' video meetings only, are not required to invite patients to join their virtual clinic, nor are patients required to create SK Virtual Visit accounts, as there is no identifiable patient information attached to those meetings.
Step 1 - From the left navigation bar, tap 'Clinic', then select 'Patients'.
Step 2 - Either:
- Enter the patient's first name, last name, health card number or patient ID number*. *Each patient who creates a SK Virtual Visit account, is given a specific ID number that identifies only them and is referenced under their patient information within the platform.
- As an option, you may narrow your search by selecting the healthcare provider your patient is under, from the drop-down list. Check 'Show all patients' if you wish to see all active and deactivated patients who meet the search criteria under this provider. If you do not check this box, you will only see their active patients.
Step 3 - When ready, click 'Search'.
Note: If your patient's name does not appear after searching for them, they have either not yet accepted the invitation to join your clinic and completed their account creation, or they still need to be invited by you.
Step 4 - Click on your patient name from the 'Search Results'.
Top section: The information your patient entered when they created their account. If any of this information is incorrect, notify your patient to have them make the necessary change(s). Also shown is their account system-generated Patient ID number.
Additional information on this screen includes:
Providers: The healthcare providers associated with this patient.
Upcoming Appointments: Any upcoming scheduled appointments.
Consultations Requiring Follow-Up: Any past appointments that were marked for follow-up work.
Past Medical/Surgical History: This information must be entered manually by a clinic care team member.
Allergies: This information must be entered manually by a clinic care team member.
Prescription History: Prescriptions ordered through this platform.
Past Consultations: Any consultations the patient has previously had.
The platform will also detect any mismatches. For example, if there was a consultation using this patient's health card number, including ones that have already been archived, it will show an error message explaining what the issue is.
If you need clarification, access the consultation in question by clicking the 'open' icon on the right-hand side of the screen.